Fixed Rate Loans
When you finance a truck purchase, you maintain a cash cushion that allows you to remain flexible and better prepared to cope with unforeseen circumstances. Fuel prices, competition, economic factors and labor costs are just some of the issues facing the trucking industry on a daily basis.

PACCAR Financial wants our customers to be confident that all of their business needs are addressed. We achieve this by offering a wide array of financing options.
With our fixed-rate loan, you benefit from a locked interest rate with the same predictable payments over the life of the term, ensuring that you will have a stable financial product and will own your truck at the end of the contract.
Need A Financial Program That Considers Your Business Needs?
PACCAR Financial offers financing options tailor-made to meet the needs of your business.
Special OffersThe Best Used Trucks In America. We Should Know – We Built Them.
See what your local PACCAR Financial Used Truck Center has to fit your needs and when our next used truck auction will be held.
Visit Used TrucksKeep Your Business Moving Forward With PacLease.
Our customized full-service leasing packages allow you to focus on your own business, while we take care of your fleet.
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